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The Help Center

How will Love in Deed help people?

Love in Deed will help those persons in need as they are referred to us. We will depend on everyone who wants to help others to look around them, and when they "see a need" they should let us know about that need. We can then fulfill that need as we "love in deed," and "plant a seed" of God's love for them. 

How can I donate money if I do not have a PayPal account?

You can write a check to Love in Deed and deposit it in our account at any United Mississippi Bank location. You can also make cash donations at the bank. Please write your name on the deposit slip if you want us to record your donation. Otherwise, your donation will be anonymous.

Will I receive a record of my donations at the end of the year?

If you make the donation in person to Love in Deed, through PayPal, or write your name on your deposit slip at UMB, we will provide an annual record. We can also provide receipts for contributions at the time of donation. We can also provide certificates for volunteer service if students need those for school records. 

Who will Love in Deed help?

Love in Deed will initially focus on residents of Vidalia, Louisiana. We realize there are many needs right here in our home community that need to be met. Our resources are unknown early in this endeavor so we will focus on our hometown residents first.


Can I make a contribution in memory or in honor of someone?

If you complete our Memorial/Honorarium Contribution Form, we will send an acknowledgement letter to the persons indicated to let them know a donation has been made in honor or memory of their loved one. Send an email through the "Contact Us" tab and we will help you.

Do I have to be a member or join a group to help Love in Deed?

Love in Deed does not require membership or dues in order to get involved. We simply want to help others, and we want to involve others in any way they can help. Anyone can make a donation, volunteer their time or labor, or tell us about needs they see around them. Send an email through the "Contact Us" tab and we can get you involved!

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